Gurudev (Birth date :24th November ,1903)
महत्वपूर्ण सुकित्यान्
Reach Intellectual Bliss with Samta ( By Parasram Haryal )
The word God combines with the five material elements or tatvas to constitute the body, which is an equipment of action without cause. The inert material elements are imbued with the faculties of feeling, thought and action through the organs of the body.
Consequently, assumption of doership, ego and duality arise in this state. This intellect tends to oscillate between sublime consciousness and materialism. This conflict, antar-dhvan , continues till the intellect settles down in a state of reintegration, which is samta in its unmodified source - utter sublime consciousness.
This merged state remains unaffected by death of body. This emancipated lifestyle, jeevan mukt sthithi , is the natural, real aim of life. Samta in Sanatan Dharma 's ancient code of conduct is reintegration of human intellect or buddhi in the unchanging Truth Absolute.
Samta philosopher Mahatma Mangat Ramji personified renunciation free from three moods or gunas and five tatva vikar or defilements. He maintained akhand samadhi , a persistent absorption in shabad brahm. He was far above limitations of religion. Ibrahim, a Muslim disciple, asked the swamiji's permission to convert to Hinduism.
He told him: "There is no need to change the label. You have been taught the real technique of reintegration. Make all efforts to attain it.'' Satguruj i's God-inspired verses are contained in the Granth Shri Samta Prakash. It covers all aspects of spiritual advancements such as Bhakti yoga, Gyan yoga, Nish Kam Karam yoga and Surat Shabad yoga , including secret techniques of dhyan and samadhi.
The Truth Absolute has wondrous ways that resonate in the movement of breath within. The seeker attains emancipation from both pain and pleasure, obtains perception of the Absolute, attains full deathless status, lives eternally, never dies. On liberation from consequences of self-serving actions, the consciousness merges into never changing Truth.
In another work of prose, Mangat Ramji provides guidance on several aspects of dharma and the path of right living: "Only on conquering the inner animal self the enlightened ones have reintegrated in never-changing Truth Absolute. On liberation from defilements they have merged back into the creator.''
In Samta Villas , he says: In the state when buddhi is submerged in atamnad it transforms into Truth Absolute - in samadhi or Super Consciousness it perceives nothing but perfect bliss. In the involved state through the faculty of thought process it perceives the material world or body.
In Samta Yog Marg, the five practices to perceive the word God within are as follows: Simplicity in dress and a diet free from meat and intoxicants, thought statement, propriety in behaviour, purification and curtailment of one's own desires in order to serve others. Truth is that which retains its everlasting state.
Conscious effort should be made to realise Truth in concept, words and deeds. Search for Truth is not restricted to any particular religion. It is Nature's projection from within, but is not perceived due to ignorance.
We should strive towards selfless service to all living beings. The more one gets absorbed in the service of others, the closer one will get to the state of selflessness. Company of sublime sages ushers in correct thinking, correct faith and correct effort.
True Worship can be achieved through unification of surat, swasa, shabad - consciousness, breath and word. Worship of Absolute with one-pointed mind stills the breath, and thought waves die out. When complete negation of thought process is attained, the radiant splendour of Almighty, unencumbered by the gross material equipment - the body - is perceived.
That is, individual consciousness attains reintegration or samta with the Absolute cosmic consciousness.
कल्याण कैसे हो सकता है ?
Sat Simran
गुरुदेव ने कहा
SAMTA is referred to as Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal faith.
SAMTA is not a Religion,
It is based on the Practice of Dharma, the Code of Life.
which can lead & procure the Highest, as SAMTA is the same as Ishwaratva
While Religion seeks to bind, Dharma seeks to Up hold.
What man holds on to, is his inner strength,
which leads man from ignorance to Truth.
Though reading of the scriptures (Vedas/Shastras/Granths)
does not directly lead to Self-realization, the teachings of the Seers
provide a basis and the path for Spirituality. The Truth and path
provided by SAMTA is beyond time and hence, Eternal.
The concepts like Karma, Rebirth, Moksha,
are common to several religions of the World.
SAMTA believes in the existence of the Omnipresent, Omniscient and
Omnipotent God who resides in the heart
of every human being, rich or poor, alike.
The Principle of Unity of being and presence of God in all forms of life, is fundamental to SAMTA.
Thus, Self-realization is the only way to attain the True State of SAMTA there being No difference between mortal and The Supreme Lord.
सम्तावाद एक परिचय
- समता का असली अर्थ है कि हर हालत में एकरस होना,ग्रहन और त्याग कि कामना से मुक्ति हासिल करना।
- समता स्वरूप असली ब्रह्म शब्द है जो हर हालत में पूर्ण है और सबके अंतर व्याप्त है।
- समता ईश्वरी शक्ति का यथार्थ स्वरूप और गुण है। समता स्वरूप ईश्वरी सत्ता सदैव कल एकरस होकर विचरती है ।
- सत्पुरुष श्री मंगत राम जी ने समता सिद्धांत में किसी ऐसी बात का उल्लेख नही किया जिसको उनके पूर्ववर्ती ऋषियों,संन्तो और सिधों ने न कहा हो। सम्तावाद हर मज़हब ,पंथ ,संप्रदाय ,जाती और देश के लोगों को समान रुप से देखता है। यह बात खास तौर पर जानने योग्य है कि सम्तावाद कोई मज़हब ,पंथ या गिरोह नही बल्कि प्राचीन अध्यात्मिक विचारधारा है। हर व्यक्ति अपना परंपरागत विश्वास या मज़हब छोड़े बिना इसको अपनाकर अपनी अध्यात्मिक उन्नति का पुरा-पुरा लाभ उठा सकता है।
- सम्तावाद किसी तरह के गुरूद्म ,महन्तायी व गुरू ग्द्द्दी पर विश्वास नही रखता ।
- सम्तावाद के अनुसार हर जीव संतुष्टि तथा शती के लिए दिन-रात प्रयत्न कर रह है। मान कि तृप्ति ही जीवन का एक मात्र उद्देश्य है। इसी शांति व संतोष प्राप्ति हेतु सभी जीव इन्द्रियों के भोगों में दिन-रात मोहित हो रहे है। नाना प्रकार का जीवन सामान और सामग्री को इकठा करके मनुष्य अपने आप को भाग्यशाली मानता है.लेकिन वास्तव में सचाये तो यह है कि ज्यों ज्यों वह इन्द्रियों के भोगों में आधिक आसक्त होता है उसका असंतोष और अशांति ज़्यादा ज़्यादा उसी मात्रा में बढती जाती है। यह बात हम सब दैनिक जीवन में अनुभव करते है। इस स्थिति को देखकर सम्तावाद इस सिद्धांत पर पहुँचा है और उसका यह आखरी फैसला है कि इन्द्रियों के भोग और भौतिक पदार्थ अपने मौलिक स्वभाव में मूलतः अत्यंत दुःख और कष्ट का कारन है। असली शती और संतुष्टि हमें बहरी जगत से प्राप्त होने वाली नही है। इसके लिए हमे अंतर्जगत में दाखिल होकर इसे प्रपात करना है।
- जीव के खेद और बेचैनी का कारन बाहर के जगत कि भौतिक वस्तुओं कि प्रपात व अप्राप्त अवस्था नही बल्कि उसका अपना " अंहकार" है। जीव में "अहं" का बीज ही एक ऐसी वस्तु है जो उसे जनम-मरण के चक्र में घूमता हुआ उसे हर तरह से दुखित कर्ता है।
- सम्तावाद कि मान्यता है कि भौतिक ज्ञान एवम बौद्धिक ज्ञान मनुष्य को चरम सत्य एवम परम शांति तक नही पहुंच सकते । बुद्धि उस परम प्रकाश्मयी अवस्था को बोध करने में असमर्थ है। उस प्रकाश्मयी अवस्था को केवल अबोध और असोच होकर ही जाना जा सकता है।
- सम्तावाद भारत कि पुरातन अध्यात्मिक परम्परा कि पुष्टि कर्ता है जिसके अनुसार 'अहम-भाव' ही संसार और दुःख का मूलभूत कारन है। अंहकार ही सबसे बड़ी मुरखता और जड़ता है। 'सम्तावाद' में अंहकार रहित होने का मतलब है कि अपने 'अहम' को उस परम शक्ति को समर्पण कर देना और हर क्षण अपने आप को तन ,मन और धन से साड़ी जगती को उस महा-शक्ति का स्वरूप जानकर निरभिमान होकर निष्काम भव से सेवा में समर्पित कर देना।
- सम्तावाद के अनुसार आजकल कि भौतिकवादी अंधी दौड़ एवम ज़रूरतों कि अधिकता बढ़ाने वाले दृष्टिकोण सत समाज के लिए बहुत हानिकारक है । सम्तावाद मानव के मानव पर अत्याचारों को बड़ा पाप समझता है । अतः मौजूदा वर्ण - व्यवस्था और छूत - छात् का भेद-भाव उसकी दृष्टि में सत समाज के लिए बड़ा अवान्च्निये है।
- 'संगत सम्तावाद' असली प्रेम और शांति प्राप्ति कि संस्था है। इसकी बुनियाद सादगी ,सेवा और सत पर खडी है । यह हर तरह कि दिखावटी व बनावटी जीवन के विरुध है। सम्तावाद प्रेम ,उदारता ,सहनशीलता और मानसिक सयाम पर बड़ा जोर देता है और इसके लिए संस्था एक शांतिमय आंदोलन द्वारा जनता के उतार्थ हेतु सर्वदा प्रयातान्शील है।
The path of spiritual progress leading to Self-realisation, propagated by Gurudeva Mangatram is the Surat Shabd Yoga, the path advocated by a number of spiritual teachers like Vasisht and Patanjali in ancient times and saints like Kabir and Guru Nanak in mediaeval times.
Gurudeva's teaching includes the themes of bhakti yoga, gnana yoga, nishkam karma yoga and surat shabd yoga . At this stage of experience, the moolmantra was revealed unto young Mangat: Om Brahman alone is being, without shape and form, One without a second, all pervasive, blessing incarnate. To him, the Supreme Lord, we offer our salutations.
Gurudeva was born in 1903 in Rawalpindi district (now in Pakis-tan). He lived a life of deep meditation, austerity and inward solitude. This twentieth century saint, through his deep insight, revived the ancient samata spirit of the Upanishads. His philosophy was shaped through the divine inspiration he derived from mining ancient wisdom. Gurudeva's utterances have been collected and published in two Granths: Shri Samata Prakasha and Shri Samata Vilas.
Gurudeva would often experience the descent of the revelation of the Word. The flow of revelation would continue like the flow of water in a stream. Gurudeva said: "When divine rapture pours out, the intellect becomes inoperative - it does not think in terms of dualities. In that state of wakefulness, no wrong word can possibly be uttered. Only he who has realised the blissful state within can know what the freedom from thinking is. When the intellect is merged into the Word, right thoughts rise up spontaneously and without thought-activity, the revelatory words rush out on their own. Nothing remains concealed in that state - neither the world nor its Creator. Hidden secrets reveal themselves with absolute clarity."
Mahatma Mangatram lived a life of complete celibacy - naishtika brahmachari and renunciation. He devoted most of his time to the worship of God through smaran, dhyan and samadhi and in the service of the poor. He exhorted the people to become wide awake, to use their intelligence and power of discrimination to understand the true path of Dharma.
Five cardinal principles laid down by him, which can help us to achieve self-realisation are: Simplicity or sadgi , truth or sat selfless service or seva , right association or satsangh and right remembrance of God or satsmaran .
Gurudeva said that the cessation of strife, conflict and violence will not be realised unless the sense of I-am-the-doer ( kartapana ) is not eradicated. It is the sense of I-am-the-doer that is at the root of the problem and gives rise to desires which create suffering. Also it is this "I" that gives rise to dualistic forms of thinking; the "other" is treated as an object that has to be possessed, and so has to be looked upon as something inferior. So the sense of doership should be eradicated, and it is upon its eradication that one's cosmic vision is opened up, which means there arises the vision of Unity of Being in terms of which the "other" is seen as one's own self.