

Maharaj ji's life was continuous penance.Almost through out his life, he sustained himself on a diet of a cup of milk tea or milk of 1 - 1 1/2 pao (about 300 - 400 gms).He hardly drank any water and spent all his nights in contemplation under the direct open sky;come rain,storm,winter or summer.He was ever ready sitting to receive his followers during the day. During the year,he would still earmark some time for solitude and strict penance.He would undergo his penance on snow covered peaks of 6000 to 8000 feet hight where heating is required even in summer i.e Nakather parvat,Kohala,Kangra, Jalmada etc;or deep and thick forested areas i.e Saroopa,Sharian, Failan forests where man is afraid to visit even during the day light and are often frequented by wild animals,poisonous snakes and other insects; or cremation ground;where at night the holy verses would be revealed and noted down in the light of an oil lamp by Bhagat Banarasi Das or other disciples.These verses were compiled for public use in a book from SAMTA PRAKASH. It was during his penance in 1938 at Jalmada that he attained complete submergence with the eternal bliss.

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